7 Toxic Relationship Quotes That Will Change Your Mind

Sikandar Ali Shah
4 min readFeb 12, 2023

Love and relationships are complex and beautiful aspects of life. They have the power to bring immense joy and happiness, but they can also bring heartbreak and pain. In our search for love and companionship, we often look to popular quotes and sayings for guidance, but some quotes can be harmful and toxic to our relationships.

In this article, I have explored 7 toxic relationship quotes that are often portrayed as romantic but can actually be damaging to our mental and emotional well-being.

Quote #1: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

This quote, popularised by the movie “Love Story,” suggests that true love means never having to apologize. However, this toxic mentality can lead to a lack of accountability in a relationship, causing resentment and anger to build up over time. Instead, healthy relationships involve apologies and forgiveness, as well as the willingness to make things right after a mistake has been made. Toxic relationships are caused by this mentality that one should not say SORRY.

Quote #2: “Till death do us part.”

While the intention behind this quote is noble, it can create unrealistic expectations for a relationship. Relationships are constantly evolving, and love and attraction can fade over time. Holding onto the idea that love should last forever can lead to unhappiness and a feeling of failure if a relationship does not last a lifetime. Instead, it’s important to focus on cherishing the moments and memories made in a relationship, rather than the length of time it lasts.

Does it seem practical? Is leaving a toxic relationship not a good step, if one cannot have a healthy relationship with someone? You might have experienced that an unhealthy relationship makes life hell.

Quote #3: “If you love someone, you’ll make it work.”

This quote puts an unrealistic amount of pressure on a relationship and implies that love should always conquer all obstacles. In reality, love is not always enough to make a relationship work, and sometimes it is necessary to end a relationship for the betterment of both individuals involved. Instead of forcing a relationship to work, it’s important to prioritize self-care and ensure that a relationship is healthy and fulfilling for both partners.

Quote #4: “Opposites attract.”

While it’s true that differences can make a relationship interesting, this quote can also perpetuate the idea that two people with completely different personalities and values can make a relationship work. In reality, fundamental differences can cause major conflicts in a relationship and make it difficult for partners to understand each other. It’s important to find a partner who shares similar values and goals, rather than focusing solely on differences.

Quote #5: “The right person will complete you.”

This toxic quote suggests that we are incomplete without a partner and that a relationship will fill the voids in our life. In reality, no one person can provide us with all the happiness and fulfillment we need. It’s important to have a strong sense of self and prioritize personal growth and self-care, rather than relying on a relationship to provide these things.

Quote #6: “If you truly love someone, you’ll do anything for them.”

While it’s true that love can inspire us to make sacrifices for those we care about, this quote can be harmful when it crosses the line into toxic and codependent behavior. A healthy relationship involves setting boundaries and prioritizing our own well-being, rather than putting the needs of our partner above our own.

Quote #7: “You can’t live without love.”

While love is a wonderful and enriching part of life, it is not necessary for happiness and fulfillment. This toxic quote can lead to a feeling of hopelessness and desperation in those who are struggling to find love and puts an unrealistic amount of pressure on relationships. It’s important to remember that happiness can be found in other aspects of life, such as friendship, hobbies, and personal growth.

In conclusion, while many popular quotes can be romantic and inspiring, it’s important to consider the potential impact they may have on our relationships. By recognizing and avoiding these toxic relationship quotes, we can cultivate healthier and happier relationships with ourselves and our partners. Remember, the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. Prioritize self-care and personal growth, and seek out healthy and fulfilling relationships that support and uplift you. Love and relationships are a journey, and it’s up to us to make them as positive and enriching as possible.



Sikandar Ali Shah

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